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Facebook beats privacy lawsuit in US over user tracking

The plaintiffs claimed that Facebook violated federal and California privacy and wiretapping laws by storing cookies on their browsers that tracked when they visited outside websites containing Facebook "like" buttons. — AFP
America choose has unemployed nationwide judicial proceeding inculpative Facebook Iraqi National Congress of chase users' netactivity even once they logged out of the social media web site

In a call late on Gregorian calendar month thirtyAmerica District choose Edward Davila in San Jose, American state same the plaintiffs didn't show that they had an inexpensive expectation of privacy, or that they suffered any "realistic" economic hurt or loss. 
Image: Facebook Can Track Users' Browsing History

The plaintiffs claimed that Facebook desecrated federal and American state privacy and wiretapping laws by storing cookies on their browsers that caterpillar-tracked after they visited outside websites containing Facebook "like" buttons. 

But the choose same the plaintiffs 
might have taken steps to stay their browsing histories non-public, and didn't show that Menlo Park, California-based Facebook illicitly "intercepted" or eavesdropped on their communications. 

"The incontrovertible fact that a user's browser mechanically sends a similar data to each parties," that means Facebook and an outdoor web site, "does not establish that one party intercepted the user's communication with the opposite," Davila wrote. 

Lawyers for the plaintiffs didn't in real time respond on Monday to requests for comment. Facebook didn't in real time answer the samerequest. 

Davila same the plaintiffs cannot bring their privacy and wiretapping claims once morehowever will try and pursue a breach of contract claim once more. He had unemployed associate earlier version of the 5-1/2-year-old case in October 2015.


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